At times, interacting with your friends via chat or text on Discord doesn’t seem to cut it. After all, words can’t always accurately sum up the several emotions you are feeling.
Fortunately, Discord is a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) service targeted mostly towards the online gaming community.
Thus, to allow yourself to express yourself more freely and creatively, the online multifunctional chatting platform also supports various quirky features to interact with your friends. The feature which will be the focus of this article is the Discord TTS (Text to Speech).
By simply typing in the command, the TTS bot reads out the text out loud that you have written following the command. Anyone viewing the chat will be able to hear the bot perform the text to speech feature.
To assist you in making your Discord server and channels a livelier place, here are the best funny Discord Text to Speech Messages and Songs.
List of discord TTS songs/beatbox and messages
The ROFL Train
Contrary to what you might be thinking, the ROFL in this context does not stand for the popular online acronym, “Rolling On The Floor Laughing”. Instead, the ROFL Train in Discord TTS attempts to imitate an actual train sound.
To use the ROFL Train sound message, type in the chat box:
/tts hA ROFL Train goes tichdvdxtche tichdvdxtche tichdvdxtche tichdvdxtche tichdvdxtche wuuu wuuu wuuu tichdvdxtche tichdvdxtche
The Bois Bois Bois Sound
What could be funnier than a bot chanting ‘Bois! Bois! Bois!” repeatedly over again? A bot with a French accent, of course! Although it isn’t supposed to sound French on purpose, that just makes it all the funnier.
To use this sound effect use the command given below:b
/tts bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois
The Lurl Sound
If the acronym “LOL”, which stands for “Laughing Out Loud,” doesn’t do the trick for you, we’re sure its more humorous adaptation “Lurl” will. Although Lurl does not stand for anything, in particular, it is still very funny as it rolls off the tongue easily.
To make your friend feel embarrassed for the lame joke they made, you can use the Lurl Sound as a sarcastic response by entering:
/tts lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl
The Meow Sound
Everyone loves cats, but their continuous mewing can cause a sensory overload if you aren’t used to it. Use this feature to your advantage by annoying your friends with The Meow Sound.
/tts Don’t you just hate it when your cat wakes you up like this? Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow.
We ensure none of your friends present in the group chat of the Discord channel will maintain their sanity after hearing this absurd media.
Firing AK Sound
The Firing AK Sound is the perfect sound to shock your friends or scare them. Immediately add it in the chat room when no one is expecting it will create an element of surprise that will possibly shock everyone! It’s great for dramatic effects as well.
To teleport your friends to show them what a war zone might sound like, the TTS command you will have to enter is:
/tts tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tik tik tik, no ammo.
An amalgamation of the acronym ROFL and a helicopter gives rise to a very amusing sound called the ROFLCOPTER. If you want to use this to interact with your friends, write the command given below
/tts My ROFLCopter goes soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi
The Sprinkler Sound
Is it the sound of a helicopter getting started? A person frantically trying to catch the attention of the obnoxious street cat by imitating what they believe is what cats sound like? Neither! The Pspspspsp sound that this TTS makes is the sound of a sprinkler. There’s no legitimate purpose to use this sound except for the fact that it can erupt you and your friends in laughter.
The code for the Sprinkler Sound is:
/tts Pispspsps. Pispisps. Pispspspspspspspspsp. Pispspsps. Pispisps. Pispspspspspspspspsp. Pispspsps. Pispisps. Pispspspspspspspspsp
The Mix Rap Sound
In the Mix Rap sound, you have to be creative with your lyrics and throw in whatever you deem is a musical crime. Mix weird sounds and words and have complete fun with it. This TTS will take you back to the legendary 90’s rap scene where the funnier and weirder your bars were.
To use the Mix Rap Sound, enter
/tts gogo gugugogo gogogugu gogo gugugogo gogogugu ebrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu gogo gugugogo gogogugugogo gugugogo gogogugugogo gugugogo gogogugugogo gugugogo gogogugugogo gugugogo gogogugu
If you want your TTS bot to imitate a professional beatboxer, this is the sound for you! It will have you and your friend joining along with the bot in an attempt to match its flow.
To turn your TTS bot into a professional beatboxer, follow this code
/tts @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
The Ting Goes Skrrrraah!
Everyone knows the greatest hit of 2017 was Big Shaq’s “Mans Not Hot.” Well, you and your friends can jam along to its catchy chorus on Discord. Surprisingly enough, the song itself sounds like a funny TTS sound created by members of the Discord community. Additionally, many meme communities frequently use this sound to signal farewell or goodbye.
To use this song, type:
/tts The ting goes skrrrahh, pap pap ka-ka-ka Skidiki-pap-pap, and a puu-puu-poudrrr-boom Skiya, du-du-ku-ku-doom doom Poom poom, you dun now
The A: Sound
If you seriously want to annoy your friends, you can use the A: Sound. However, beware; it might warrant you getting kicked out of the group chat for a temporary amount of time.
To employ the A: Sound, type in the following command:
/tts :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a:
The Dog Sound
If you thought that the cat sound was annoying, wait till you use the Dog Sound. It’s only just a lot louder and harsher than its feline counterpart. Now, who wouldn’t want to open their Discord group chat and be serenaded by the sound of barking dogs?
To get on your friends’ nerves, type in:
/tts dogs bark like bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow
Words that make no sense are the funniest of them all. This noise will for sure throw you and your friends in a laughing fit, gasping for air. The DODODOBOBOBOGJUBGJUBGJUB noise truly gives gibberish a run for its money.
Type in the following code in the chatbox and repeat it as many times as you would like:
/tts dododobobobobgjubgjubgjubdododobobobobgjubgjubgjub
My Sprinkler Goes Like
Contrary to common misconception, the noise of sprinklers is quite amusing. Hence, here is a second version of the funny sprinkler sound.
To use it, enter:
/tts My sprinkler goes like thisstststststststststststststststststststststststst and comes back like ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttte
The Lawnmower goes Vavavoom, and the Rice burners go wowowo!
The greatest and best things in life do not have to make sense. As long as you are enjoying yourself with your friends, that’s all that matters. And what more can enhance your experience than funny noises that will erupt you all in laughter.
/tts The lawnmower goes shersheeeeeeerrerererereeeerrr vavavoom sherererererere and Rice burners go wowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowow
If you and your friends ever have a competition for the funniest TTS, we ensure that this noise will bag you the prize. It’s one of the funniest TTS to ever surface Discord that will make sure you have a good laugh.
To be crowned as the king of the funniest TTS messages, type in:
/tts anununununununununununa unauanuanaunauanaunauanuanaunauanaun auanaunauanaunauanaunauanaunau anaunaaunauanuananuann uannuannuanuannuanuanuanunanuanuanuanuanu anununununununununununa unauanuanaunauanaunauanuanaunauanaun auanaunauanaunauanaunauanaunau anaunaaunauanuananuann uannuannuanuannuanuanuanunanuanuanuanuanu
There’s nothing more annoying than the Minions, so why not use that to our advantage? The Minion’s banana song has been pestering people’s ears ever since its cinematic release. Hence, you can have some fun with it and use it to annoy your friends on your Discord channel.
Simply type:
/tts banananananana bana banana banannana banana nana bana nananananabanaba nanabananna nabanananana bana nanananana banabananabana nnanabanananana
The Motorbike
Have you ever been in a situation where the engine of a vehicle won’t start? The funny noises of the constant sputtering of the engine can have you stifling your giggles. However, Discord allows you to freely express yourself. With the Motorbike TTS sound, you and your friends can howl in laughter by hearing the bot imitate a beaten-down motorbike.
To employ the Motorbike sound, use:
/tts Motor Bike Started bukbukbukbukbukbuk bukbukbuk buk buk buk bukbukbukbuk bukbukbukbukbuk buk buk buk bukbukbukbukbuk bukbukbukbuk buk buk bukbukbukbukbuk bukbukbukbuk buk buk buk bukbukbukbukbukbukbuk bukbuk buk buk buk bukbukbuk bukbukbukbukbukbuk buk buk buk
The TTS Discord bot never ceases to amaze the variety of sounds it can imitate. Even the noise of engines revving up planes and boats can become a laughing matter between you and your friends if you ever use this sound.
To have a go at it, type in the following command in the chatbox of your Discord channel:
Unaware of its origin, the ORA ORA ORA TTS sound is most often used as a reference by the fandom of the popular anime Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures. Obviously, the sound’s use is not limited to the fandom and sounds quite funny on its own as well.
To use the ORA ORA ORA TTS code, type in:
/tts ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora
Indian Punjabi burrah remix sound
The “Burrah!” music is often used by south Asians, especially Punjabis, to celebrate any victory or good news. Hence, this is the appropriate TTS sound for Discord which is heavily used by gamers who celebrate their winnings by employing this remix sound.
To use the Indian Punjabi burrah remix sound, type in the command:
/tts burrrrrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, burrrrrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, burrrrrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, burrrrrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, burrrrrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh burrrrrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, burrrrrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh burrrrrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, burrrrrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
In conclusion, the text-to-speech feature on Discord accompanied by its funny messages and music are testament to the platform’s superiority. We ensure by using the TTS bot messages, your channel’s group chat will become a riot. Moreover, you will have the time of your life with your friends sending back and forth funny Discord TTS messages and songs.