To do the most damage in Warframe, players should combine their warframe with the right set of weapons. But with so many weapons to choose from, it’s challenging to know which one to choose. Let’s explore the best to worst Warframe weapons.
The following overview lists the best weapons in Warframe. The weapons are separated into three categories: primary, secondary, and melee. And the tiers are categorized as S, A, B, C, D, and F tiers. A list of these tiers is given below.
S tier
S Tier Warframes are shockingly the best Warframes, as they possess all four abilities and high-level missions.
Warfare Primary Weapon List
- Trumna
- Acceltra
- Rubico Prime
- Ignis Wraith
- Kuva Kohm
- Kuva Bramma
- Stahlta
- Corinth Prime
- Fulmin
- Kuva Chakkhurr
Warframe Secondary Weapon List
- Kuva Brakk
- Tombfinger
- Catchmoon
- Kuva Nukor
- Pyrana Prime
- Aksomati Prime
- Athodai
- Rattleguts
- Sepulcrum
- Euphona Prime
Warframe Melee Weapons List
- Nikana Prime
- Kronen Prime
- Redeemer Prime
- Lesion
- Gram Prime
- Plague Kripath
- Sepfahn
- Orthos Prime
- Stropha
- Reaper Prime
A tier
They are also as good as the S tier one.
Warfare Primary Weapon List
- Vectis Prime
- Amprex
- Shedu
- Opticor Vandal
- Tiberon Prime
- Kuva Ogris
- Soma Prime
- Vaykor Hek
- Baza Prime
- Kuva Quartakk
Warframe Secondary Weapon List
- Akjagara Prime
- Zymos
- Gaze
- Kuva Twin Stubbas
- Akstiletto Prime
- Mara Detron
- Staticor
- Atomos
- Velox
- Sicarus Prime
- Twin Grakatas
- Prisma Twin Gremlins
- Synoid Gammaco R
Warframe Melee Weapons List
- Paracesis
- Venka Prime
- Karyst Prime
- Dokrahm
- Nami Skyla Prime
- Silva and Aegis Prime
- Balla
- Pangolin Prime
- Cyath
- Pennant
- Kuva Shildeg
- Galatine Prime
- Plague Keewar
- Broken War
The B tier warfare is something that would just do the work, but you can’t expect those to blow the charts.
Warfare Primary Weapon List
- Kuva Hind
- Panthera Prime
- Lanka
- Prisma Grakata
- Synapse
- Kuva Karak
- Kohm
- Zhuge Prime
- Sancti Tigris
- Battacor
- Corinth
- Strun Wraith
- Cernos Prime
- Komorex
- Prisma Grinlok
- Astilla
Warframe Secondary Weapons List
- Pox
- Arca Scisco
- Spira Prime
- Lato Vandal
- Kuva Kraken
- Lex Prime
- Vasto Prime
- Ocucor
- Dex Furis
- Hystrix
- Quatz
- Twin Rogga
- Knell
- Secura Dual Cestra
- Tysis
- Zakti
Warframe Melee Weapons List
- Dual Ichor
- Fang Prime
- Guandao
- Atterax
- Scindo Prime
- Skana Prime
- Machete Wraith
- Mewan
- Caustacys
- Sancti Magistrar
- Dehtat
- Kogake Prime
- Twin Basolk
- Mios
- Cassowar
- Bo Prime
- Mire
- Prisma Skana
C tier
C Tier Warframes are not very suitable for most high-level missions. Their abilities are also not strong enough to be used in most situations.
Warfare Primary Weapon List
- Kuva Hind
- Panthera Prime
- Lanka
- Prisma Grakata
- Synapse
- Kuva Karak
- Kohm
- Zhuge Prime
- Sancti Tigris
- Battacor
- Corinth
- Strun Wraith
- Cernos Prime
- Komorex
- Tenora
- Quellor
- Opticor
Warframe Secondary Weapon List
- Vaykor Marelok
- Pox
- Arca Scisco
- Spira Prime
- Lato Vandal
- Kuva Kraken
- Lex Prime
- Vasto Prime
- Ocucor
- Dex Furis
- Hystrix
- Quatz
- Twin Rogga
- Knell
- Secura Dual Cestra
- Tysis
- Zakti
- Ballistica Prime
- Azima
- Hikou Prime
- Prisma Angstrum
- Dual Toxocyst
- Aksomati
- Akbronco Prime
- Spectra Vandal
- Nukor
- Pyrana
- Sancti Castanas
Warframe Melee Weapons List
- Tekko Prime
- Ooltha
- Dual Ichor
- Fang Prime
- Guandao
- Atterax
- Scindo Prime
- Skana Prime
- Machete Wraith
- Mewan
- Caustacys
- Sancti Magistrar
- Dehtat
- Kogake Prime
- Twin Basolk
- Mios
- Cassowar
- Redeeme
These are also a downgrade to B Tiers.
Warfare Primary Weapon List
- Nagantaka
- Braton Prime
- Braton Vandal
- Latron Wraith
- Soma
- Miter
- Tigris
- Argonak
- Tonkor
- Karak Wriaht
- Stradavar
- Simulor
- Boltor
- Glaxion
- Cernos
- Veldt
- Frinlok
- Mk1-Strun
- Penta
- Snipetron
- Flux Rifle
- Harpak
- Karak
- Strun
Warframe Secondary Weapon List
- Cycron
- Stug
- Twin Gremlins
- Afuris
- Akvasto
- Hikou
- Spira
- Acrid
- Magnus
- Detron
- Gammacor
- Twin Vipers Wraith
- Vasto
- Lex
- Angstrum
- Cestra
- Akbolto
Warframe Melee Weapons List
- Galvacord
- Pangolin Sword
- Halikar
- Ether Sword
- Dual Heat Swords
- Obex
- Scindo
- Fragor
- Lecta
- Nami Skyla
- Skana
- Dark Dagger
- Dual Skana
- Glaive
- Magistar
- Shaku
- Plasma Sword
- Prova
- Ceramic Dagger
- Nami Solo
These are the weakest in the game.
Warframe Primary Weapon List
- Boar
- Vulkar
- Quanta
- Mk1-Braton
- Latron
- Paris
- Braton
- Gorgon
- Mk1-Paris
- Tetra
- Dera
- Burston
- Hind
Warframe Secondary Weapon List
- Spectra
- Viper Wraith
- Talons
- Sicarus
- Bolto
- Castanas
- Ballistica
- Seer
- Bronco
- Aklato
- Kraken
- Twin Vipers
- Lato
- Kunai
- Mk1-Kunai
- Akbronco
- Mk1-Furis
- Viper
Warframe Melee Weapons List
- Furax
- Cronus
- Sydon
- Bo
- Mk1-Bo
- Kogake
- Fang
- Mk1-Furax
- Kama
Bottom line
Warframe provides a variety of weapon tiers. You can opt for any according to your need. From top tiers to least ones, there is a wide range of weapons.