Website speed is one of most important factor in Google ranking these days, not only for Google ranking but also for user experience and profit from your site, according to one study if site doesn’t load in first three seconds most probably 60% of users will bounce back and look for another result which means you will lose many targeted visitors, so here come’s speed test tools for your site which can help you to optimize your site speed in minutes with very less effort, these tools will not only tell you time required to load your site but also let you know of improvement you can make to decrease loading time, we have listed some of best tools available in market today, they all work great and you can implement their suggestions to improve loading time, we have also have guide on ways to improve your site speed score so also look at them.

Site Speed Test Tools

Here we go with site speed test tools; these includes the following:

  1. GtMetrix
  2. Pingdom Tools
  3. Google Page Speed Insight
  4. web page Test
  5. Yslow
  6. Surui Load Time Tester
  7. UpTrends
  8. DareBoost
  9. Page Scoring
  10. Google Chrome DevTools



Free & Premium – Easy to use – Multiple locations – Plugin available for WordPress

GtMetrix speed test

GtMetrix is one of the best site speed testing tool available for free, with this free tool you can check your site speed and page speed score quickly, they rank you from 1-100% on the basis of optimization you have done on your site, it’s nice to have more than 80% score, the best part of GtMetrix is it’s easy to use interference with complete details and overview of loading issues, you can see almost ranking for each and every factor in their speed test table, so you will get the idea what you have to improve.

You can also compare your performance with your competitors. Registered user get more advantages likes Video view, load time on the different type of connections and browsers.



Pingdom Tools

Free for use – Pay for background monitor – 4 free locations – Easy to use

Pingdom speed tesy

Pingdom site is very well known for their tools, they have many more tools for website performance like DNS check and uptime monitor, with their site speed test you can get a lot of information about your site performance, they keep updating their site so you will always get the best.

Pingdom tool provides four free locations, their test report are divided into many parts for easier view, at top you can check your site loading time, compare with rest of all sites, performance grade, requests, etc. it is recommended to use both GtMetrix and Pingdom tools for site speed test, so you get more information for improvement, note there will be slight loading time difference between GtMetrix and Pingdom speed test, as both have their method of testing site speed.



Google Page Speed Insight

Free Tool by Google – Tell you your site speed score – Give suggestions fo Mobile & Desktop

Google page speed insight test

This is one of most used tool for speed test by Google, it will rank you on the scale of 1-100, its very tough to get 100 score due to some issue that can’t be resolved by owners of sites, only empty site with full optimization can achieve that but still it is great tool to get a lot of information about speed score that what Google consider in the speed ranking algorithm, if you got over 85 scores then you are ok to go if not then you need improvements.

Google page speed insight will also tell you about Mobile speed and user experience of mobile users, mobile speed matters more as many people have low-speed internet on worldwide so you have to optimize your mobile version much better than desktop, user experience tells you about how easy it to navigate and use your site speed.



WebPage Test

Extras features like repeat visit time & multiple browsers – Grade system from A to F – Free to use

webpage speed test

Another Good Tool for testing Page speed, having same features as others but have some extras like multiple browsers, first & repeat visit time, etc., this site can give you detail information in stats view so you can understand it better, they have grade system from A to F assigned to multiple aspects like first byte load time, compress transfer,. etc



Yslow speed test

Chrome Extension – 23 Rules – Free

Yslow works on the principle of Yahoo performance rules, they don’t have any site view, you can check their result either on GtMetrix or using their Chrome extension, they crawl your site and determine 23 factors that can affect your site speed.

Chrome Extension:


Sucuri Load Time

Free tool to get multiple location results – Easy and straightforward – Free

sucuri load time

Another free site with unique features to test your site speed across the Globe, it will tell you the time required to load the first byte and time to complete all requests, it is easy and simple to use, you can know better here if you need to use CDN or not.




Waterfall Test – Free


A free testing tool with over 30 locations to choose from, it gives you a complete overview of each and every resource that load on your site and time it takes.




Know about site Speed, Security & Performance issues – Good to use

dareboost speed test

I actually like this tool. It has a lot of information to show more than speed test, It will show you security issue and other performance things you can improve, the good thing is that it provides complete description for each point, so you can know what exactly is that.



Page Scoring

Valuable suggestions – Easy to use


It is another good site with a simple and easy view, you can get a lot of information from here which needs to be improved, page load time is slightly wrong but still it is good enough to give you some insights for further improvement.



Varvy Speed Test Tool

Simple Easy & Fun to use – Good suggestions

varvy page score

I love this tool simple to use interference with useful information about improvement, I have improved my page speed score using this tool suggestions os I will recommend you this too, it gives the same info like other but in simplest form that you can understand and apply.



That’s all, I think these tools are enough to improve your Google ranking up to 50% but remember you have to be OK with all other things too, if your site page speed increase it will increase user engagement which means more sales or earning from ads, if there is something missing then that is speed test for Mobile, don’t worry Google have another lovely tool for that too which is Google Mobile Speed Test, it will help you to double your mobile speed, they will also send you complete report on your email, give it a try and if you need any help regarding website speed or WordPress, feel free to comment.



Hi Readers, Welcome to My Blog. I am Hamza Ahmed, a tech geek From Islamabad Pakistan. I love to write, code and explore new amazing stuff. You can connect with me on Twitter & Facebook. Read more about me here.

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